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Blogs for Teen Adoptees
Check out BPAR blogs written especially for teens.
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The Impact of Breakups on Adoptees
Romantic relationships carry an unavoidable risk of possible loss and rejection. This blog explains why adoptees may feel particularly vulnerable in breakups and offers tips on how to tap into the resiliency that comes from being an adoptee.
Read MoreHow Does Play Therapy Help Adoptees and Therapists?
Play therapy acts as a medium for communication, rapport building, and the exploration of themes related to safety, abandonment, identity, and integration for adoptees. Therapists strategically use play to help children express what is troubling them when they don’t have the verbal language to express their thoughts and feelings.
Read MoreAdoption In the Media: The Unseen, Unrecognized Struggle of JuJu in “The Chair” TV Series
As an adult adoptee, Marta watched the Netflix series “The Chair” through the eyes of JuJu, the lead’s daughter. “My heart felt rage, grief and deep isolation. I see a child so completely alone in her trauma and loss that she has had to abandon her own narrative.
Read MoreSharing LGBTQ Resources with Pride
In honor of PRIDE month, we wanted to highlight some important resources to support LGBTQIA individuals and families in the post-adoption community. We want everyone in the adoption constellation to feel safe and valued, and to be able to live healthy, productive lives.
Read MoreCollege Search for Adoptees — Tips for Parents
The college search process can bring up unique emotions and challenges for adoptees. Here are themes parents may expect and 5 tips for how to help their child, based on our interview with Kate Peltz, Director of College Counseling.
Read MoreTips for Supporting LGBTQ Kids in Adoption
Many of our adoptee clients are exploring their gender and sexual identity, and we feel it is vital for foster and adoptive parents, social workers, mental health workers, teachers and other individuals who work with fostered or adopted children and teens to be aware of the challenges, needs and best practices for working with SOGIE issues.
Read MoreThe Masks We Wear
An adoptee may find that he or she wears a mask, showing a face to the outside world that is often only a snippet of the individual’s internal workings. Inside-Out Masks like this one provide a creative process for exploring and expressing identity.
Read MoreThe Power of Words: Being Mindful About Adoption
Adoption is more complicated than people may know or expect. Without realizing it, words carry heavy weights that have the capacity to knock someone down. But words also have the ability to build strength within someone and lift them up.
Read MoreThree Of The Most Annoying Things You Can Say To An Adoptee
“So your parents aren’t your real parents?” You’ve heard this question before. How does this make an adoptee feel? There’s better adoptee language, and we encourage thinking about a different way to ask a question or make a statement.
Read MoreHow To Combat The Winter Blues
Here is a quick guide for how to take care of yourself when Mother Nature is giving you the Winter Blues. Tap into your creative ideas. Spend some time doing what makes you feel good. Remember this winter will end and you will get through it!
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