Shame, Secrets, Lies and Adoption
The Home for Unwanted Girls by Joanna Goodman is a stirring historical novel that delves into 1950’s practices for dealing with unwed mothers, orphans, and adoption. It also provides insights into adoption-related emotions and questions and communication that we encounter at our clinical practice at BPAR every day.
Read MoreAdoptive Families Need Resources Like BPAR
Our guest blogger from Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange (MARE) explains why adoption-competent resources like our services at BPAR are crucial in their work with adoptive families.
Read MoreDNA Testing – What to Think About Before You Do a Test
The recent popularity of DNA testing creates opportunities for forging connections and uncovering information, but also presents complexities and challenges you might not expect. To help prepare you for DNA testing journey, BPAR’s therapists share what we’ve learned.
Read MoreAn Inner Turmoil: The Adoptee Struggling with Addiction and Challenges in Recovery
In my decade of helping adults struggling with addiction, often I work with people who are adopted or have spent time in foster care. I believe that the root cause of addictive behavior in many cases lies in a deep feeling of inner turmoil, disconnection, low self worth, and overwhelming fear and anxiety.
Read MoreBook Review: HEY WARRIOR
Anxiety can be overwhelming and scary for kids, and it’s a common feeling for adoptees. HEY WARRIOR is resource that’s accessible and digestible for kids, one that educates them about anxiety and teaches them how to manage it. Learn more about this simple but brilliantly written book.
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