Posts Tagged ‘Jen’
Creative Ways Dads Can Take Care of Themselves on Father’s Day
BPAR wishes for all the fathers a day of self-care, acknowledging that often dads don’t feel they have the time or the right to focus on themselves. Here are some creative ways dads can take care of themselves on Father’s Day.
Read MoreAdoption Voices on Mother’s Day
Adoption is complex: our lives are complex, our relationships are complex. Mother’s Day can remind us of this complexity in our lives.
Read MoreHow BPAR Could Support the This Is Us Family
As the popular tv show, THIS IS US, wraps up season 2, the clinicians at Boston Post Adoption Resources identify ways we could help all generations of the Pearson family if they came to us for therapy and support.
Read MoreBook Review – FAR FROM THE TREE by Robin Benway
FAR FROM THE TREE by Robin Benway addresses almost every topic that comes up in the world of adoption: identity, race, culture, fitting in, grief, loss, abandonment, trust, shame, and feeling misunderstood.
Read MoreThe Gift of Forgiveness
The most valuable gift you can give to yourself this holiday season is the gift of forgiveness. Why forgiveness? Many of us carry unresolved issues from the past, like carrying a heavy ball and chain. It can be anger from a minor slight or the rage of a major grievance….
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