Adoption-Competent Therapy — What It Is, Why It Matters, and How to Find It
Adoption-competent therapists have a trauma lens and understand that our body has memory through our senses even before we had verbal language.
Read MoreFilm Review: Reckoning with the Primal Wound
Reckoning with the Primal Wound, a documentary, asks us to understand relinquishment trauma. The child and birth mother’s separation is a profound loss that needs to be acknowledged, seen, supported, and cared for.
Read MoreShame and Adoption — A Guide to Parenting with Empathy
Shame is the feeling that we are inherently unlovable, unworthy, and undeserving of connection — and it’s a central theme in adoption. How do we parent without shaming our child? How do we teach values? Here are some empathy-based strategies and phrases to help children make positive choices.
Read MoreWhat Is Healthy Eating? Talking About Mindfulness and Intuitive Eating
As Covid restrictions end and we emerge from an online view to full-body scrutiny, we anticipate even more anxiety and body shaming than ever. Our blog on mindfulness in eating and Intuitive Eating can help you learn to love and honor your body.
Read MoreSharing LGBTQ Resources with Pride
In honor of PRIDE month, we wanted to highlight some important resources to support LGBTQIA individuals and families in the post-adoption community. We want everyone in the adoption constellation to feel safe and valued, and to be able to live healthy, productive lives.
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