Post Adoption Resources for Teen Adoptees

Teen Adoptees:  This page is for YOU! You are the expert on what it's like to be a teen adoptee. Here we offer resources to help you feel connected and understood.


be proud of who you are

Express Yourself

"The most important thing adoptees need is the freedom to express their conflicting emotions without fear of judgment. This is the final step towards healing, the one that brings release and freedom."



Blogs for Teen Adoptees

Check out BPAR blogs written especially for teens.
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Documentary Review: Generation Cryo

By Kelly DiBenedetto, LMHC, ATR

The search process is complicated and emotional for all parties involved. When I recently came across the documentary GENERATION CRYO, I was blown away by their ability to capture such a deeply intense, complicated, and emotional experience in a natural and unproduced manner.

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Who are we? Searching for Identity

By Jennifer Eckert, LICSW

How does the world see me? Who do I want to be? Every teenager begins to ask these questions. For the adopted, teen identity can be even more complicated!

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Books about Adoption
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Videos about Adoption
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Other Teen Adoptee Websites
The Beat

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