BPAR Post Adoption Learning Center
Transracial Adoption
Transracial Adoption

Transracial adoption "means placing a child who is of one race or ethnic group with adoptive parents of another race or ethnic group." — Child Welfare Information Gateway
BPAR created this Transracial Adoption learning center to widen the community of support for transracial adoptees and their families; to educate all on the impact of racism on adoptee mental health and well-being; and to connect families to resources to facilitate empathy, conversations, and healing, with a goal of promoting a healthy racial identity for all.

Free Ebook
Voices In Transracial Adoption: Insights from Adoptees, Parents & Professionals
(Boston Post Adoption Resources 2021)

Paperback & Ebook
Adoption Is a Lifelong Journey
(Boston Post Adoption Resources 2017)

Resource List
List of relevant BPAR blogs and outside resources on anti-racism, social justice, and related topics