Adoption-Themed Books for Younger Children

Children’s books can be an incredible teaching resource, helping us talk to children about important issues as they grow and have questions about who they are. This is especially true when it comes to the topic of adoption. But choosing the right books can be tricky.

Often we pick up certain books for our children hoping that they will be accurate and thoughtful about whatever we’re trying to teach, only to be disappointed in the end by their inaccuracy and odd word choices. To help you choose the right book, here are three children’s books that we feel are appropriate, thoughtful, and accurate surrounding the topic of adoption.


TellMeARealAdoptionStoryTell Me a Real Adoption Story
By Betty Jean Lifton
Illustrated by Claire A. Nivola

This book is for parents and children to share together as they start an open conversation about adoption. In this book, the adopted child asks for a realistic bedtime story, and the adoptive mother responds in the best way that she can about their own, real, personal story.


Let'sTalkAboutItAdoptionLet’s Talk About It: Adoption
By Fred Rogers

This book encourages open communication within families about adoption and the many different ways a family can be structured. Rogers offers a place for parents and children to have a conversation about topics that may arise in an honest and gentle way.


motherbridgeofloveMotherbridge of Love
Illustrated by Josée Masse

This beautifully illustrated book is a poem submitted anonymously by an adoptive mother to a charity called “Mother Bridge of Love” in China. It acknowledges the question that adopted children ask themselves: “Where do I come from?” and helps them begin to answer it as they weave together their personal stories.


Take away:  Books to encourage communication about adoption 

We hope that these books may serve as a springboard for frequent and open communication about adoption between parents and children. Give one of them a try and let us know what you think! Or, if you know of other children’s books focused on adoption that have been helpful to you and your family please let us know.

The Team at Boston Post Adoption Resources

About Jennifer Eckert, LICSW

Jennifer Eckert, LICSW, is the founder of Boston Post Adoption Resources, former Executive Director and Board Chair, and served as a clinician for many years.