Movies That Help You Talk About Adoption

Getting your child or teen to open up and talk about adoption can be challenging. One way to begin a meaningful conversation about adoption is to watch a movie with an adoption theme. There are many movies with the subject of adoption in them for all ages, and viewing them with your child can open a door for discussion. We recommend that parents or caregivers view the movie first. This way you will get a better idea of what the movie is about and if it will be suitable for your child. This can also allow adults to see if there is something that may be upsetting or confusing for the child.



Elf is one of BPAR’S favorite adoption themed movies. It is suitable for most ages. Buddy, the main character, was adopted as a baby. He has been raised and works in the North Pole with Santa’s elves. Buddy does not look like his elf friends or family and begins to have questions about where he came from. Buddy, with the blessing of his adoptive family, sets out on a journey to find his answers.

The movie is rated PG.



Off and Running is a documentary about Avery, an African American teen living in Brooklyn. Her adoptive parents are two white Jewish lesbian women. Avery has two adopted brothers, Raffi, an older brother who is black and Puerto Rican, and Zay Zay who is Korean-American. Avery is struggling with her identity. With the love and support of her mothers, Avery begins the process of searching for her birth mother. During this journey Avery finds herself in a complicated exploration of who she is and where she belongs.

Documentary, unrated, suitable for teens and up.

About Jennifer Eckert, LICSW

Jennifer Eckert, LICSW, is the founder of Boston Post Adoption Resources, former Executive Director and Board Chair, and served as a clinician for many years.