Food, Fun, and a little Football: Maximizing Family Time on Super Bowl Sunday

Tom Brady finds time to celebrate with his family after the Patriot’s Super Bowl win in 2015. (Photo from
If I were to tell you my favorite Super Bowl experience, I could not say what teams played (it was not the Patriots), who won, who performed (not Beyoncé), or what commercials I saw. What I could tell you about my favorite Super Bowl experience was whom I was with (a group of amazing friends, basically my second family) and the food I ate (delicious Thai dip and copious amounts of buffalo wings).
It may be obvious that football is not my biggest passion in life, but growing up in New England, football could not be blocked out, even with the power of an all-star linebacker. While I may have (not-so) secretly dreaded Sundays when the Pats were playing and the t.v. was unavailable for foodnetwork/tlc/hgtv marathons, Super Bowl Sunday has always been something different, something I even looked forward to. For me, it has always a moment for great family & friends, great food, and, I’ll have to admit, great football.
With so much hype built up about seeing the best teams of the nation brought together, I felt it was important to reflect on what else the Super Bowl can bring together: the ones we love. In this spirit, I thought it would be worthwhile to put together some ideas on how to throw in some fun activities to take advantage of this opportunity for quality family time. Hopefully, these might help make the game a more positive experience for everyone (and maybe a great way to create some new family traditions!)
Game Prep:
As I’ve mentioned, food is one of my favorite things about the Super Bowl. Try finding recipes where the whole family can be involved in the process. Some simple and creative ideas include Cocoa Rice Krispies Football Treats and Goal Post Drinks.
If your kitchen gets too crowded, use that collective creative energy to make decorations. Make banners to hang or pom poms to cheer on your team.
With kickoff at 6:30 p.m. (ET), the wait may seem unbearable… unless you’re doing something fun. The “ideal” Super Bowl Sunday pass time would be a backyard game of football outside. Alternatively, go for a late morning hike and breath some fresh air before huddling inside for the main event. For an activity that isn’t so weather dependent, give Origami Flick Football a try.
For many, the main focus will be on the actual game. But for some, like me, watching football is not on the top of everyone’s most fun things to do list. Try getting everyone involved with the game. Print out BINGO cards to fill out during the game or the commercials (There are plenty online you can print out, like these, or feel free to make your own!). Another great idea I found was to make scorecards and have everyone rate the commercials live.
Sources and other inspiration from around the web:
Written by Annie Craig
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