Books Written by BPAR

Our Journal for Adult Adoptees:

Voices Unheard:

A Reflective Journal for Adult Adoptees

"This guided journal is long overdue. It offers an adoptee the opportunity to carefully examine their perspectives and feelings about their life and to clarify what is truth."

—Sharon Kaplan Roszia

Voices Unheard A Reflective Journal for Adult Adoptees

For an adoptee, coming out of the fog often follows self-reflection. This 52-week prompted journal from BPAR clinician Lisa Coppola enables adoptees to better understand how their early experiences have consciously or subconsciously affected their instincts, behaviors, and emotions.

Available in paperback and ebook wherever books are sold.

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Our Book for Parents/Caregivers:

Adoption Is a Lifelong Journey

"This book is especially helpful because it explains the ways in which a child sees him or herself in the adoptive family and how the parents can validate, acknowledge, and empathize with the child’s experience."

—Nancy Newton Verrier

Adoption Is a Lifelong Journey

Meet Charlie.

He’s the narrator of BPAR's illustrated book, Adoption Is a Lifelong Journey. Charlie’s an adoptee who opens his heart and shares what’s on his mind through various phases as he grows up in his adoptive home.

Available in paperback and ebook wherever books are sold.

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BPAR's Free Ebook

Our Free Ebook on Transracial Adoption

Voices In Transracial Adoption:

Insights from Adoptees, Parents & Professionals

In Voices In Transracial Adoption: Insights from Adoptees, Parents, and Professionals, more than twenty-six adoptees or adoptive parents share their experiences with the joys and challenges of transracial adoption. This book for prospective or current adoptive parents integrates those voices with clinical knowledge from the Boston Post Adoption Resources team and secondary resources. It's meant to serve as an introduction for adoptive families with a child whose race or ethnic group differs from the parents'. The concepts of race, racism, racial identity, diversity, equity, and inclusion are incredibly complex and require and deserve a comprehensive process of further education, exploration, and action.

Available as a free download on

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